Thinking God Interculturally: a Master of Theology track
We live in an increasingly globalising world and in increasingly multicultural and religiously pluralist societies. What can we learn from theologies developed in often vibrant Christian communities in other parts of the global church? What do these theologies teach us about God and salvation, about the Christian life and witness?
Challenges and tools
How do we understand the person of Christ and the work of the Spirit in a multi-religious world in which we are invited to learn from other, but also to witness about what we have received in Jesus Christ? This is the track for which the departments of intercultural and doctrinal theology collaborate with their respective methods and expertise in order to help you think about and contribute to the great theological questions and the challenges of Christian life and witness in multicultural environments and interreligious encounter.
What you can expect
Closing the gap
This track will give you the theological and analytical tools to address the specific challenges you will encounter as cross-cultural missionary, pastor or chaplain in multicultural and religiously pluralist settings and policymaker for Christian or public organisations. Many Christian communities experience deep fissures between themselves and the culture(s) of which they are a part and amongst which they live. This track explores some of the great theological themes such as the nature of God, salvation in Christ, the presence of the Spirit, and the reality of hope in the light of these challenges. In doing so, it will provide tools to look for contextual discipleship, community-building and for faithful and relevant intercultural encounter and witness.
This track equally provides you with some of the essential groundwork needed if you want to prepare for further scholarly work in the disciplines of dogmatics or intercultural theology while addressing some of the most pressing and stimulating theological questions, challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
Questions about registration and admission?
Contact our office at admissions@pthu.nl.