Dr. K.L. Bom

Associate professor Dogmatics and Intercultural Theology
Intercultural theology / missiology

Dr. Klaas Bom (1967) is assistent professor dogmatics at Groningen and is part of the team 'Intercultural Theology'.

Klaas Bom studied at Utrecht and Paris and obtained a PhD from Utrecht University (1999). He is a minister of the Protestants Church in the Netherlands (PCN) and served as a pastor in Gouda (2003-2009). Before coming to the PThU in 2014, he lectured systematic theology in Managua (FEET, 1999-2003) and Quito (SEMISUD, 2009 - 2014) on behalf of KerkinActie, the mission department of the PCN. From 2014-2018 he worked as a senior researcher of the research and formation project 'Science and Religion in French-speaking Africa' a cooperation between the PThU and Templeton World Charity Foundation. 

His research interests are systematic (theological) anthropology (grace and emotions), pneumatology, Blaise Pascal and (Latin American) Pentecostalism.
