Prof. dr. T.A. Boer
Hoogleraar ethiek van de gezondheidszorg
Dogmatics / ethics
Prof.dr. T.A. (Theo) Boer
1. Persoonlijk
Getrouwd en twee kinderen, lid van de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland
2. Lidmaatschappen
- Lid van de Gezondheidsraad (vaste Commissie voor Ethiek en Recht)
- Geassocieerd onderzoeker bij het Ethiek Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht
- Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte, kamer Ethiek en Praktische Filosofie, adviserend lid van het kamerbestuur vanuit de theologie.
- Society of Christian Ethics (Verenigde Staten): voorzitter van de Interest Group Evangelical Ethics en lid van de Interest Group Health Care Ethics
- Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bio-ethiek (NVBe)
- Voorziter van de redactie van de Lindeboomreeks, serie wetenschappelijke studies over christelijk geloof en ethiek in de zorg
- Redactielid van de PThUnie, periodiek van de Protestantse Theologische Universiteit
3. Academic Appointments
- 06.2019- Full professor of Health Care Ethics, Protestant Theological University.
- 09.2014-06.2019 Lindeboom chair of Health Care Ethics, Kampen Theological University
- 01.2008- Associate of Ethics Institute, Utrecht University
- 01.2007- Associate Professor of Ethics, Protestant Theological University
- 09.2001-12.2006 - Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Utrecht University, faculty of theology
- 05.1993-10.1995 - Research Fellow at the ethics department of Uppsala University, Theological Faculty
- 11.1991-12.1997- 0.5 Research Fellow Theological Ethics at Utrecht University, faculty of Divinit
- 09.1987-08.2001 - 0.5 Research Fellow at the Center for Bioethics and Health Law (CBG) and study secretary of the Christian Association of Care Facilities in the Netherlands and Health Law (CBG), Utrecht
4. Academic Training
- 04.12.1997 Public defense of Theological Ethics after Gustafson: A Critical Analysis of the Normative Structure of James M. Gustafson's Theocentric Ethics at Utrecht University for the degree of doctor in theology
- 25.10.1995 Public defense of All Things in Relation to God. A Critical Analysis of James M. Gustafson's Theocentric Ethics (Uppsala 1995) at Uppsala University for the degree of theological licentiate
- 11.1991 Church Exam (c.l.)
- 08.1989 Theological Exam (c.l.)
- Thesis 1: Philosophical Ethics: Moral Criteria for Bringing Bad News in Health Care
- Thesis 2: Theological Ethics: Humanum et Christianum. Eine Untersuchung zum Grund christlicher Ethik
- 01.1989-03.1989 Church Internship at the Evang.-Luth. Sankt-Pauli-Kreuzcongregation of Karl-Marx-Stadt, East-Germany
- 08.1983-07.1984 Visiting student at Uppsala University
- 02.1981 BA Theology, Utrecht University
5. Past Memberships
- 2005-2014 Member of a Regional Review Committee on Euthanasia
- 1993-2011 Lid van de Werkgroep Pastoraat in de Gezondheidszorg, Protestantse Kerk in Nederland
- 09.1993-02.2007 Member of the board of advisors of the postgraduate study ‘Ethics in Healthcare’ Nijmegen University
- 02.1997-02.2006 Member of the Ethics committee of The Compaan, The Hague
- 2001-2002 and 2016-2017 Member of the working group preparing the political program of the Christian Democratic Party
- 04.2000-12.2001 Member of the Ethics Committee of the Regional Psychiatric Health Department, Bergen op Zoom
- 08.1999-08.2001 Main editor of Zin in Zorg (Care and Meaning, quarterly of the Christian Association of Care Facilities in the Netherlands)
- 09.1997-03.1999 Member of the Medical Ethics Committee of the Dutch Council of Churches
- 02.1997-12.1997 Member of the study-commission ‘Medical decisions at the End of Life’ of 's Heeren Loo, Amersfoort
- 11.1995-01.1997 Member of the working group on Transsexuality of the Prof. dr. G.A. Lindeboom Instituut
- 09.1995-06.1999 Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the European Liaison Committee for the Private Not for Profit Sanitory Sector
- 05.1995-09.2001 Member of the Ethics Committee of the Regional Psychiatric Health Department, Den Bosch
- 10.1991-12.1999 Member of the Standing Committee for Ethical and Religious Questions of the Dutch Healthcare Association (representing all health care and elderly care institutions)
- 10.1989-10.1991 Secretary of the combined synodical commission ‘Biomedical Ethics’ of the Dutch Reformed Church and the Lutheran Church in the Netherlands
- 08.1984-10.1986 Member of the Board of the Faculty of Theology, Utrecht University