Prof. dr. H.E. Zorgdrager
Curriculum vitae
Name: Helena Emma (Heleen) Zorgdrager
Born: 8-1-1959, Franeker
Home address
Het Bosje 16
3921 EJ Elst (Utr)
Tel 0318 470474
Professional experience
Since 1 Sept 2014: additional assignment for lecturing Mission Studies at the Protestant Theological University, Amsterdam, [0.3fte]
Since 1 Sept 2013: Professor Systematic Theology and Genderstudies at the Protestant Theological University, Amsterdam [0.5fte]
Since 2005-present: Visiting Professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine, and Lecturer ‘Multilateral and Bilateral Ecumenical Dialogues’ in the Distance Learning Master’s Program in Ecumenical Studies (DLMPES).
2010-2013: Assistant Professor Systematic Theology and Genderstudies at the Protestant Theological University, until Sept 2012 in Leiden, after that in Amsterdam [0.7 fte]
2005-2013: Missionary worker/Lecturer ‘Ecumenical Theology and Mission’ at the Institute of Ecumenical Studies, at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine, delegated by Kerk in Actie [0.3 fte]
2009-2012: Supervisor of students in the Intercultural Exchange Program ‘Bridging Gaps’ at the Faculty of Theology of VU University
2010-2011: Teaching training courses for missionaries at the Hendrik Kraemer Institute, Utrecht
2005-2010: Senior Program Officer for Mission and Theological Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, at the Mission Department of Kerk in Actie (Utrecht)
1996-2004: Replacing lecturer at the Theological Seminary Hydepark (courses in the ‘Kerkelijke Opleiding’ and the post-academic education)
1996-2005: Ordained Minister of the Gereformeerde Kerk in Leersum [0.75 fte]
1991- 1996: Ordained Minister/ Student’s Chaplain in Leiden, commissioned by the Gereformeerde Kerk [0.8 fte]
1985–1990: Research Assistant at the Theological University in Kampen, in the Department of Systematic Theology
Education and qualifications
2015: BKO - Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs, VU Amsterdam
2004-2006: Post-academic education and training ‘Superviseren en andere Begeleidingsvormen’ at the Hogeschool of Arnhem and Nijmegen; qualified supervisor according to the criteria of LVSB
2005: Course ‘Project Cycle Management’, MDF Ede
2005: Missionary training at the Hendrik Kraemer Institute, Utrecht
Jan. 2003: Doctor of Theology (cum laude) at the Theological University in Kampen. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G.W. Neven. Dissertation: Theologie die verschil maakt. Taal en seksedifferentie als sleutels tot Schleiermachers denken, Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum 2003
Jan. 1991: Church examination: ‘Proponentsexamen voor de classis Franeker van de Gereformeerde kerken’
Aug. 1985: Master of Theology at the Theological University in Kampen
Specialisation in Dogmatics, Philosophy and Old Testament
1983-1984: Studies of theology at the ‘Predigerseminar der Evangelischen Kirche in der DDR’, in Wittenberg, GDR
June 1983: Candidate of Theology, Kampen
1978-1985: Studies of theology at the Theological University in Kampen
1977-1978: Preparatory course Greek and Latin at the Theological University in Kampen
1971-1977: Secondary education: Athenaeum A at the Lienward College in Leeuwarden
Academic memberships
- American Academy of Religion
- Internationale Schleiermacher Gesellschaft
- European Society of Women in Theological Research
- Member of the Editorial Board of Reformed World
- Member of the Advisory Board of The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
Societal and Ecclesial Organisations
Since 2014: member of the Reference Group on Human Sexuality of the World Council of Churches (WCC)
Since 2011: Member of the Theology Network of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)
Since 2010: Member of the ‘Interkerkelijk Besturen Overleg m.b.t. Seksueel Misbruik in Pastorale Relaties (IBO-SMPR)’, on behalf of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands
June 2010: Member of the PCN delegation at the General Assembly of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) in Grand Rapids, MI
July 2009: Member of the PCN delegation at the 13th Assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) in Lyon, France
2007-2012: Vice-president of the Board of the Foundation ‘Dom Hélder Câmara Chair for Justice and Peace’, at the Faculty of Theology of the VU University, on behalf of ICCO & Kerk in Actie
2005-2011: Member of the ‘Eastern Europe Committee of the Dutch Theological Faculties’, on behalf of Kerk in Actie
2005-2011: Secretary of the Board of the Foundation ‘Catharina Halkes Fonds’
2002-2004 Member of the ‘Werkgroep Trouwvieren van de Redactie Dienstboek van de Samen op Wegkerken’
2001-2005: Member of the ‘Beraadsgroep Geloven en Kerkelijke Gemeenschap’ of the National Council of Churches in the Netherlands
1998-2002: Member of the ‘Sectie Vrouw-Man-Kerk’ of the Department Church –Theology-Education of the ‘Dienstenorganisatie van de Samen op Wegkerken’
1996-2005: Member of the Advisory Council of the ‘Dominicaans Centrum voor Theologie en Samenleving’
1996-2001 Member/vice-president of the ‘Sectie Geloofsvragen’ of the National Council of Churches in the Netherlands
1995-1998: Member of the Steering Group ‘Economie een Zaak van Geloven’, of the ‘Dienst in Industrie en Samenleving vanuit de Kerken’ (DISK)
1994-1996: President of the Council of Reformed Student’s Chaplains in the Netherlands
1989-1994 Member of the ‘Projectcommissie voor Vrouwenstudies van de Stichting Theologisch en Godsdienstwetenschappelijk Onderzoek ‘ (STEGON)
1986-1990: Contactperson for the Netherlands of the European Society of Women in Theological Research
1984-1989 Member of the ‘Commissie Buitenlandse Contacten’ of the Theological University in Kampen
1978-1983: Member of the editorial board of the student’s journal ‘Nummer’
1980-1981: Student-member of the ‘Hogeschoolraad’ of the Theological University in Kampen