Onderzoek/ Teaching subjects


Practical Theology - Worship and Formation

Research of Practical Theology (Worship and Formation) focuses on the arenas of Christian Worship (in Europe and Africa), Modern Arts and Christian Formation. The research starts from faith as it is embodied, minded, performed and lived in liturgical-ritual, artistic and educational practices. The research is empirical in make-up. Theology is searched for and found within the current practices; practices are analyzed and evaluated from specific protestant theological perspectives.

It is supposed that faith discourses are incessantly being re-invented in late Modernity. Faith thus is investigated as a ‘flowing’, dynamic phenomenon. It is understood that, as a reaction to the slippery openness of the phenomenon, faith often is presented as firmly ‘rooted’ in (orthodox) traditions. This tension between ‘flow’ and ‘rootedness’ is seen as typical for late modernity and explicitly thematized in the research.

The research is characterized by the following characteristics: 1. The student will participate as far as possible in the investigated practices; 2. The student will develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the researched practices; partner disciplines are foremost cultural anthropology and ritual studies (field: Christian worship), literary studies and art history (field: modern arts), and educational studies (field Christian formation); 3. The student will develop skills to observe, describe, analyse and evaluate faith practices in the named arenas from anthropological as well as from theological perspectives.


• Liturgiewetenschap

Curriculum Vitae

1.Life and functions

Marcel Barnard is professor of Practical Theology at the Protestant Theological University (Utrecht, the Netherlands), professor of Liturgical Studies at VU University Amsterdam, and Professor Extraordinary of Practical Theology at the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa). He is research leader of Practical Theology at the Protestant Theological University.

He was born 17 May 1957 in Leiden, the Netherlands, and studied theology at the University of Amsterdam (phd in 1987). He served the (predecessors of) the Protestant Church in the Netherlands as minister (from 1986).

Marcel Barnard is married to Anne Margriet Pot (Professor of Geropsychology VU University Amsterdam and Head Program on Aging Trimbos Instituut)

In his spare time Marcel Barnard loves painting and drawing, as well as Mediterranean cooking and wining (Professional Diploma Wine Knowledge) and running (half marathons).

2. Research

a. Description

Marcel Barnard is performing Research of Practical Theology in the arena’s of Christian Worship (in Europe and Africa), Modern Arts and Christian Formation. The research starts from faith as it is embodied, minded, performed and lived in liturgical-ritual, artistic and educational practices. It is empirical in make-up. Theology is searched for and found within the current practices; practices are analyzed and evaluated from specific protestant theological perspectives.

In the research it is supposed that faith discourses are incessantly being re-invented in late-Modernity. Faith thus is investigated as a ‘flowing’, dynamic phenomenon. The researcher is aware of the phenomenon that, as a reaction to the slippery openness of faith in late-Modernity, faith often is presented as firmly ‘rooted’ in (orthodox) traditions. This tension between ‘flow’ and ‘rootedness’ is seen as typical for late modernity and explicitly thematized in the research.

b. Some important publications

Recent articles

'Ambivalent Images. Rethinking Biennale 52 Venice/ Documenta 12 Kassel and the Task of Practical Theology', in International Journal of Practical Theology 14/1 (2010) 68-85

'Flows of Worship in the Network Society. Liminality as Heuristic Concept in Practical Theologie Beyond Action Theory, In die Skriflig 44/1 (2010) 67-84

'Gerardus van der Leeuw (1890 - 1950) as a liturgical scholar', in Louis van Tongeren, Marcel Barnard, Paul Post & Gerard Rouwhorst (eds.), Patterns and Persons. Historiography if Liturgical Studies in the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century (= Liturgia Condenda 25), Leuven, 243-260

Cas Wepener, Ignatius Swart, Gerrie ter Haar, Marcel Barnard, 'The Role of Religious Ritual in Social Capital Formation for Poverty Alleviation and Social Development: Theoretical and Methodological Points of Departure of a South African Exploration', in Religion and Theology 17/1,2 (2010), 61-82

'Late modern rhythm', in: Hetty Zock (ed.), At the Crossroads of Art and Religion. Imagination, Commitment, Transcendence (= Groningen Studies in Cultural Change XXXIV), Leuven 2009, 173-187

‘Bricolageliturgie: Liturgical Studies Revisited’, in: Verbum et Ecclesia 29/1 (2008) 14-31 (= idem, in F. Gerrit Immink and Cas J.A. Vos (eds.), God in een kantelende wereld. Geloof en kerk in veranderende contexten, Pretoria/ Zoetermeer 2009, 31


Louis van Tongeren, Marcel Barnard, Paul Post & Gerard Rouwhorst (eds.), Patterns and Persons. A Historiography of Liturgical Studies in the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century (= Liturgia Condenda 25), Leuven 2010

Hans Alma, Marcel Barnard, Volker Küster (eds.), Visual Arts and Religion (= Contactzone 4), Berlin 2009

Marcel Barnard en Gerda van de Haar (red.), De Bijbel cultureel. De Bijbel in de kunsten van de twintigste eeuw, Meinema, Zoetermeer 2009 (received Netherlands Theology Publication Award 2011)

M. Barnard, Liturgie voorbij de Liturgische Beweging. Over Evangelical Worship, Thomasvieringen, kerkdiensten in migrantenkerken en ritualiteit op het internet, Zoetermeer 2006

• Marcel Barnard, Paul Post, Els Rose (eds.), A cloud of witnesses. Saints and role models in Christian liturgy (= Liturgia Condenda 18), Leuven 2004

Marcel Barnard, De dans kan niet sterven. Gerardus van der Leeuw herlezen. Essay over religie en cultuur (= Prof. dr G. van der Leeuw-stichting, Onderbreking 3), Zoetermeer 2004

Marcel Barnard, Luco van den Brom, Frits de Lange (red.), Protestants geloven: bij bijbel en belijdenis betrokken, Zoetermeer 2003

Marcel Barnard en Niek Schuman (red.), Nieuwe wegen in de liturgie. De weg van de liturgie – een vervolg, Zoetermeer 2002

Marcel Barnard en Paul Post (red.), Ritueel bestek. Antropologische kernwoorden van de liturgie, Zoetermeer 2001

P. Oskamp en N. Schuman (eindred.), M. Barnard, F.G. Immink, J.H. van der Laan, Th.M. van Leeuwen, D. Monshouwer, P. Os¬kamp, N.A. Schuman, J.H. Uytenbogaardt (red.), De weg van de liturgie. Tradities, achtergronden, praktijk, Zoetermeer 1998

Marcel Barnard, Wat het oog heeft gezien: Verbeelding als sleutel van het credo, Zoetermeer 1997



Senior member of The Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion NOSTER; co-chair PhD-Seminar Research in Empirical Theology

Member of the research group Praxis (VU)

Member of the Societas Liturgica, An International Society for Liturgical Study and Renewal; 2001 – 2005 member of the Council

Member of the Instituut voor Liturgische en Rituele Studies (Tilburg University)

Member of the Research Unit Practical Theology University of Pretoria, South Africa

Editorial boards

Yearbook for Liturgical and Ritual Studies/ Jaarboek voor Liturgieonderzoek (ILRS)

The ‘Liturgia Condenda Series’ (Peeters, Leuven/ Paris/ Walpole)

The ‘Netherlands Studies in Ritual and Liturgy Series’ (ILRS)

The ‘Meander’ series

Commissie voor het Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde;

Advisory Editorial Board (European Section) of Verbum et Ecclesia,

Editorial Contributor (International) to In die Skriflig

Societal and ecclesial organizations

From 2009, member of the board of the Vermeulen Brauckmanstichting;

From 2008, member of the Supervisory Board of Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht

From 2004, guest member of the Liturgische Ausschuss of the Vereinigte Evangelisch Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands

1993 – 2008, board member and president of the Prof. Dr G. van der Leeuw Foundation: Meeting Centre for Church and the Arts; currently member of the Liturgy Chamber of the same foundation

1988 – 2004, member of the Commission on Worship of the (predecessors of) the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, from 1991 chair of the Commission for the Service Book (Dienstboek – een proeve, 1998 and 2004)

1994 -2004, supervisor Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (New Bible Translation) of Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap (Netherlands Bible Society) and Katholieke Bijbelstichting (Catholic Bible Foundation)
