Prof. dr. Mirella Klomp
Professor of Practical Theology
Worship / formation
- Membership of committeeNationale Onderzoeksraad Erfgoed (External organisation)
- Invited talkGetting the Soil-project off the ground. Lessons learned from setting up an interdisciplinary theological project, with an eye to the future of research in theology
- Participating in a conference, workshop, ...Consultation PThU Stellenbosch.
- TalkFrom Problem to Priority: Honoring the Ambivalence of Dangerous Memories in Cultivating Fruitful Narratives and Practices of Soil.
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committeeMember of PhD assessment committee: Zuivere, eerlijke, oprechte kerkmuziek. Willem Vogel en de invloed van zijn werk op het klankidioom van de Nederlandse protestantse liturgische muziek
- TalkCongress Societas Liturgica, Panel session "All the ends of the earth"
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Dies Natalis of the PThU
- Talk“The earth is the Lord’s.” Renewing Christian theology from the ground up in times of climate and ecological crises
- Invited talkWat is dat toch met The Passion?
- Hosting an academic visitorMarnus Havenga
- Participating in a conference, workshop, ...13. Generalsynode der VELKD
- TalkRitualized food aid. A diaconal meals project in times of the covid-19 crisis as liturgical practice?
- TalkFood practices in intentional communities
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committeeMember of PhD assessment committee: Church-in-the-Neighbourhood. A Spatio-Theological Ethnography of Protestant Christian Place-making in the Suburban Context of Lunetten, Utrecht
- TalkScaling up or scaling down?
- TalkScaling up or scaling down? A diaconal meals project and its quest for coping faithfully with the covid-19 crisis
- Invited talkArs ludendi. Urban liturgies as public service in a secular world
- Invited talkKeynote speech
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Christian Congregational Music Conference
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Christian Congregational Music Conference
- Invited talkPractices: Emergency relief provided by churches in Amsterdam Zuidoost: a diaconal meals project as practice of hope
- TalkDigitale Media. Valse profeet of reddende engel.
- Invited talk“Vivific food exchange. The potential role reversals that connect liturgical and diaconal studies.”
- Invited talkIn Christus - en in Nederland
- Invited talkResponse to “Which Contexts Count?” In Search of ‘Invisible’ and ‘Forgotten’ Contexts
- Invited talkTransforming Religion, Transforming Agency. A historiographic perspective on late-modern rituals
- Chair or member of PhD assessment committeeMember of PhD assessment committee: Celebrating the Lord’s Supper in the Netherlands: A Study of Liturgical Ritual Practice in Dutch Reformed Churches by Jasper Bosman
- Invited talkOur daily bread. Casual sacramentality and the relation between altar and kitchen table in contemporary Western food cultures.
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...Book presentation Mirella Klomp, 'Playing on with God'
- Organising a conference, workshop, ...'Verderspelen met God'