Em. Prof. M.N. Walton
English publications
R. Kruizinga, J. Körver, N. den Toom, M. Walton & M. Stoutjesdijk, Learning from Case Studies in Chaplaincy, Utrecht: Eburon Academic Publishers 2020
Recovering Context. Parameters of Pastoral Care with Migrants, in: D. Schipani, M. Walton & D. Lootens, Where are we? Pastoral Environments and Care for Migrants. Intercultural and Interreligious Perspectives. Düsseldorf: SIPCC 2018, 171-182.
D. Schipani, M. Walton & D. Lootens (eds.), Where are we? Pastoral Environments and Care for Migrants. Intercultural and Interreligious Perspectives. Düsseldorf: SIPCC 2018.
A.L. van Loenen, J.W.G. Körver & M.N. Walton, Case Study of ‘moral injury’: Format Dutch Case Studies Project, Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 5.2 2017, 281-296.
M. Walton & J.W.G. Körver, Dutch Case Studies Project in Chaplaincy Care. Description and theoretical explanation of the format and procedures Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 5.2 2017, 257-280.
H. Heyen, E. Jonker & M. Walton, ‘Spiritual Care and Logotherapy’, in: Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 4/1 2016, 35-50.
J.P. Vlasblom, J.T. van der Steen, M.N. Walton & H. Jochemsen, ‘Effects of Nurses’ Screening of Spiritual Needs of Hospitalized Patients on Consultation and Perceived Nurses’ Support and Patients’ Spiritual Well-being’ in Holistic Nursing Practice 29/6 2015, 346-356.
J.P. Vlasblom, M.N. Walton, J.T. van der Steen, J.J. Doolaard & H. Jochemsen, ‘Developments in Healthcare Chaplaincy in the Netherlands and Scotland. A Content Analysis of Professional Journals’, in Health and Social Care Chaplaincy 2/2 2014, 235-254.
Unlike a Rose. On Relating Spirituality to (Mental) Health. Psyche & Geloof 24/ 4 2013, 277-287.
Discerning Lived Spirituality: the Reception of Otherness, Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 67/2 2013, 6:1-10.
Assessing the Construction of Spirituality. Conceptualizing Spirituality in Health Care Settings”, Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 66/3 2012, 7:1-16.
The Welcoming Guest. Practices of mutual hospitality in chaplaincy’ in D. Louw, T. Ito, U. Elsdörfer, eds., Encounter in Pastoral Care and Spiritual Healing. Towards an integrative and intercultural approach, Series: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Healing, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2012, 220 – 235.
‘Judge not! On ethical abstinence and Christian community’, in Chr. Gremmels/W. Huber, red., Religion im Erbe. Dietrich Bonhoeffer und die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Christentums, (Paper presented at the VIII. Internationale Bonhoeffer Conference, Berlijn, August 2000) Gütersloh, 2002.
Marginal Communities. The Ethical Enterprise of the Followers of Jesus (dissertation), Kampen 1994.
Witness in Biblical Scholarship. A Survey of Recent Studies 1956-1980, IIMO Research Pamphlet Nr. 15, Leiden 1986.
The Evangelical Church in the GDR. A Church in Socialism, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, Easton, Pennsylvania USA, vol. IV, nr. 5, October 1984.