Prof. dr. P.H. Vos
Professor of Ethics and Military Chaplaincy Studies
Dogmatics / ethics
Curriculum Vitae Prof.dr. Pieter H. Vos
Born: Terneuzen, May 8, 1970
Nationality: Dutch
Married to: Trijnie Koorn; 3 children
City of Residence: Zwolle
Academic/Professional Appointments
- Since 2024 Full Professor of Ethics and Military Chaplaincy Studies at Protestant Theological Univesity (PThU)
- Since 2015 Director of International Reformed Theological Institute (www.irti.nl) at PThU and VU Amsterdam
- 2019-2023 Professor of Protestant Military Chaplaincy Studies (Endowed Chair) at Protestant Theological University (PThU), Groningen
- 2019-2023 Associate Professor (UHD) of Ethics at PThU, Amsterdam
- 2012-2019 Assistant Professor (UD) of Ethics at PThU, Amsterdam
- 2010-2012 Assistant Professor (UD) of Ethics at PThU, Kampen
- 2006-2012 Chair of Lectorate Moral Education (Lector), head of Interdisciplinary Group of Researchers in Pedagogics, Psychology, Education, Ethics and Cultural Anthropology (kenniskring) at University of Applied Sciences GH (now VIAA), Zwolle
- 2008-2010 Associate researcher at Centre of Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2002-2010 Lecturer of philosophy and theology at University of Applied Sciences GH (now VIAA), Zwolle
- 1997-2001 PhD researcher (aio) at Theological University Kampen (now PThU)
- 2002 PhD (cum laude) from Theological University Kampen (now PThU) on the dissertation De troost van het ogenblik. Kierkegaard over God en het lijden (supervisors: prof. dr. G.W. Neven, dr. O.K. Zijlstra).
- 1989-1997 Master Theology (‘doctoraal’) at Theological University Kampen (Broederweg) and Theological University Kampen (Koornmarkt)
- 1988-1989 Classical Greek (Vooropleiding) at Theological University Kampen (Broederweg)
- 1982‑1988 Highschool (VWO met Latijn) ‘Zeldenrustcollege’, Terneuzen
Additional Training
- 2014 English Language Proficiency Assessment (level C1 according to CEFR)
- 2013 Qualification Academic Education (BKO) (Onderwijscentrum VU)
- 2011 Training Writing a Scientific Article in English (Talencentrum VU)
- 2008 Training Qualitative Research Skills (Kwalon, UvH)
- 2004-2005 Training in Educational Skills Higher Education (Centrum voor Nascholing, UvA)
- 2003 Training Quantitative and Qualitative Research Skills (RUG)
- 1997-2011 PhD education NOSTER (Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion)
- 1999 Summer fellowship at the Hong Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf, Minnesota, USA
Academic Memberships
- Member of the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (EuroISME), since 2022
- Member of Netherlands School for Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (NOSTER), since 2022
- Member of European Academy of Religion and Society (EARS), since 2022
- Member of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), since 2018
- Member of the Society for the Study of Christian Ethics (SSCE), UK, since 2014
- Member of the Society of Christian Ethics (SCE), USA, since 2010
- Member of the International Kierkegaard Network, since 2011
- Member and Secretary (2011-2016) of the working group Theological Ethics (part of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy OZSW), NL, since 2006
- Member of the Editorial Board Vzw Kierkegaard Werken (Publisher Damon, Budel), NL/B
- Member of the working group Counseling and Spiritual Care (Pastoraat en Geestelijke Verzorging) of the Protestant Church of the Netherlands, 2013-2016
- Member of the Working Group Moral Education (RU Nijmegen), 2008-2012
- Member of the Council of School Identity, highschool Gomaruscollege, Groningen, 2008-2016
- Member of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Cultural Ethics (ICE), NL, 2006-2012
- Member of the Council of Lectorates on Identity and Education, at Verus, NL, 2006-2012
- Member of the Council of Lectorates of Education in the Netherlands, NL, 2006-2012
Editorial Work
- Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Reformed Theology (Brill, Leiden), since 2022
- Member Editorial Board of Studies in Reformed Theology (Brill, Leiden), since 2013
- Editor of the quarterly journal Kerk en theologie, since 2013
- Editor of Søren Kierkegaard Werken (transl. of Kierkegaard’s Writings in Dutch), since 2006
- Editor of the philosophical magazine Sophie, 2006-2020
- Editor of the book series Cahier, ForumC, 2005-2017
- Correspondent newspaper Nederlands Dagblad, 1992-1995
Key Publications
- Pieter Vos, Longing for the Good Life: Virtue Ethics After Protestantism (Enquiries in Theological Ethics), London/New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020, 209 pp.
- Pieter Vos, Learning from Exemplars: Emulation, Character Formation and the Complexities of Ordinary Life, Journal of Beliefs and Values 39/1 (2018), 17-28.
- Pieter Vos, Peace after the Mission: Spiritual Care and Ethical Assistance to Veterans Experiencing Moral Guilt, in: Ad de Bruijne & Gerard den Hertog (eds.), The Present „Just Peace / Just War“-Debate: Two Discussions or One? (Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau 121), Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2018, 170-186.
- Pieter Vos (ed.), Liturgy and Ethics: New Contributions from Reformed Perspectives (Studies in Reformed Theology 33), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2018.
- Pieter H. Vos, “A Human Being’s Highest Perfection”: The Grammar and Vocabulary of Virtue in Kierkegaard’s Upbuilding Discourses, Faith and Philosophy 33/3 (2016), 311-332.
- Pieter Vos, Breakdown of the Teleological View of Life? Investigating Law, Telos and Virtue in Calvinistic Ethics, Journal of Reformed Theology 9/2 (2015), 131-147.
- Pieter Vos, The Irreducibility of Religious Faith: Kierkegaard on Civilization and the Aqedah, in: Pieter Vos & Onno Zijlstra (eds), The Law of God: Exploring God and Civilization (Studies in Reformed Theology 28), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2014, 194-204.
PhD and Postdoc Supervision
Promotor/ Supervisor
- M. van Nieuwkerk, Becoming a responsible self in the world: Gert Biesta brought into dialogue with Hannah Arendt and Søren Kierkegaard (start 1-10-2023, promotor)
- L. Bal, Dutch Fire Chaplaincy Supporting Firefighters Confronted with Critical Incidents (start 1-11-2022, promotor)
- T. Oosterhuis, The Contribution of Military Chaplaincy to the Moral Formation of Future Military Leaders: A Protestant Theological Approach (start 1-12-2021, promotor)
- S.M.D.T. Wetzels, Secrecy and Intimacy: Kierkegaard's Philosophy in Light of the Transparent Society (start 1-9-2021, promotor)
- D. Klamer, Law and Virtue in the Protestant Tradition (PThU, aio-project Moral Compas Project, start 1-9-2019, promotor)
- J. Scheele-Goedhart, Taking Theology to Work (PThU, start 1-9-2019, second promotor)
- T. Spoelstra, Verbondsonderwijs: Geschiedenis van het gereformeerd-vrijgemaakte onderwijs in Nederland tot 1985 (PhD-Defense 13-12-2016, VU Amsterdam, Humanities, co-promotor)
Postdoc Project
- J.R. Compaijen, Exemplarity and Transformation: A Moral Philosophical and Theological Exploration, postdoc 2016-2018, related to ‘The Beacon Project’ (Supervisor)