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Dr. M. Visser

Old Testament / Judaism

Marco Visser is a post-doc researcher at the PThU.

This research position has been established as a continuation of the endowed chair 'Miskotte/Breukelman for the theological hermeneutics of the biblical root words' by Prof. Dr. Rinse Reeling Brouwer (2012-2019) and represents the collaboration of the PThU with the De Nieuwe Bijbelschool foundation, network of theologians in the tradition of K.H. Miskotte, F.H. Breukelman, K.A. Deurloo and R. Zuurmond. See

On February 9, 2022, Marco Visser obtained his doctorate for his thesis: 'Pars pro toto. Analysis of the figure of the pars pro toto in the work of F.H. Breukelman and elaboration based on the texts about the servant of YHWH in Isaiah. A Biblical Theological Investigation.' Supervisors of the PhD track were Prof. Dr. Rinse Reeling Brouwer and Prof. Dr. Klaas Spronk (OT).

The follow-up research is about the work of Rochus Zuurmond, teacher of hermeneutics and professor of Biblical Theology at the UvA from 1981 to 1996. The research question is what the current significance of his way of reading and his vision of the Bible as a whole is for the current field of biblical theology.

Marco Visser is a pastor in the Goede Herderkerk in Rotterdam-Schiebroek (Protestant Church of the Netherlands). He is also a board member of the K.H. Miskotte foundation.