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Prof. dr. K. Spronk

Interim rector and Professor Emeritus Old Testament
Old Testament / Judaism


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Curriculum vitae

  • born on August 23, 1957 in Zijderveld (nowadays municipality of Vianen)
  • 1969-1975 gymnasium A (dr. F.H. de Bruynelyceum) in Utrecht
  • 1975-1981 study at the Theological College of Reformed Churches in Kampen, main subject: Old Testament; secondary subjects: Ugaritic and dogmatics
  • 1981-1986 scientific assistant at the Department of Biblical Subjects at the Theological College in Kampen
  • February 2, 1986 confirmation and entrance as pastor of the Reformed Church in Monnickendam
  • 18 April 1986 PhD (cum laude) at the Johannes Calvin Foundation in Kampen for the thesis Beatific Afterlife in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East (supervisor: J.C. de Moor)
  • July 1, 1990 entry as pastor of the Reformed Church in Culemborg
  • from July 1993 to December 1995 60% appointed as a researcher (post doc) at the Theological University in Kampen
  • from January 1996 to December 2005 part-time (20%) associated with the Theological University in Kampen as a researcher
  • from August 1, 1996 to August 1, 2000 part-time (20%) associated with the VU University in Amsterdam as assistant professor of Old Testament
  • from September 1996 to December 2005 worked part-time (60%) as a chaplain in the Beatrix Nursing Home in Culemborg and other locations of Zorgcentra De Betuwe
  • from 1999 member of the editorial board of the magazine Amsterdamse Cahiers for the exegesis of the Bible and its traditions
  • from January 2002 up to and including December 2004 working part-time (50%) as a researcher for Theological University and Dutch Bible Society to study the genesis of the New Bible Translation
  • from 2002 teacher of Bible subjects at the Salvation Army for courses in exegesis for officers and for the advanced theological course
  • from 2003 member of the editorial board of the journal Theologisch Debat
  • from 2004 contributor to Interpretation magazine
  • from May 2006 professor of Old Testament at the Theological University in Kampen (since 2007: Protestant Theological University)
  • from 2006 editorial secretary of the Historical Commentary on the Old Testament series
  • 2007-2013 member of the General Advisory Council (PKN)
  • from 2016 advisor on behalf of the PThU to the synod of the PKN
  • from 2016 together with Peter-Ben Smit (VU) director of the Center for Contextual Bible Interpretation