Dr. G.J. van Klinken
Symposium 'de kerstening van Noord-Nederland vanaf het jaar 700, beeldvorming en werkelijkheid'
With editors Kerk en Theologie, Jorwert.
Dissertation: Teije T. Osinga, Hervormde Evangelisatieverenigingen in Nederland 1855 - 1951. Een onderzoek naar doelstellingen en praktijk. PhD PThU (Dieuwke Melchers: Franeker 2021). Promotor: H.M. Kirn. Co-promotor: G.J. van Klinken.
Picture above: signing the PhD certificate of dr. T.T. Osinga in the consistorial room of the New Church in Groningen, with PThU rector prof.dr. Mechteld Jansen in the background (1 July 2021; photograph: prof.dr. Fred van Lieburg, Free University Amsterdam).
Nes Ammim. Protestants in the Young State of Israel. ReLiC (Studies in Dutch Religious History) Volume 5 (Hilversum: Verloren, 2021).
Picture above: with editor Thys VerLoren van Themaat of Verloren Publishers, based in the former Reformed Torenlaan Church in Hilversum, where many relics of local history are being preserved. Photograph Margo Jonker, 11 June 2021.
Working with Joint Bachelor Students, 2020:
Article in Friesch Dagblad
Commemorating in Amsterdam, 2020
Lecturing in the Harderwijk Academy, 2018
Discussing religious backgrounds of the Veluwe region
Visiting the medieval village church of Leermens (province of Groningen) with members of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands, 2017
Exploring Amsterdam. With students in the Joint Bachelor Program, spring 2016 (Modern Church History)
Collaboration with international students, Groningen summer 2016
Church history is often on the move: here during an excursion in Emden (Germany), 2013
Gert van Klinken teaches church history at PThU Amsterdam.
His ongoing research is focused on Liberal Protestantism in the Northern Netherlands and on the history of Nes Ammim, a Christian moshav in Galilee (Israel).
Editorial memberships
- Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 (DNK)
- Jaarboek voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlands protestantisme na 1800
- Kerk en Theologie
- Tijdschrift Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis (TNK)