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D.A. Gosewisch

PhD researcher
Dogmatics / ethics

Dominique Klamer is a PhD Researcher at the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam. Her research is aimed at ethics in Reformed Orthodoxy. More specifically, the subject of research is the relationship between virtue, law, and grace in Reformed orthodox ethics, providing insight into their view on the accessibility of the good and the possibility of habituation. It is investigated to what extent Reformed orthodox ethics is a continuation of tradition and in what sense a discontinuation in order to get more clarity about how the Reformed orthodox ethics dealt with the universal accessibility of the good and the particularity of grace in their highly polemical climate. This project aims to retrieve insight in how to deal with the concept of the accessibility of the good in sceptical present-day ‘hyperpluralism’.

This PhD research project is part of the Moral Compass Project. Her supervisors are prof. dr. P.H. Vos en prof dr. P.M. Wisse.