What is IRTI?
The International Reformed Theological Institute is a global network of scholars working in all theological disciplines with an affinity for Reformed theology. Our mission is to enhance ‘Living Reformed Theology.’ We study the Reformed theological tradition, always with an eye towards new contexts and with questions of today’s world in mind, and in an ecumenical spirit.
News2 July 2024Blog: 'I would have preferred sitting in the back'On the fourth day of the IRTI Conference, we were invited to experience some of the culture in Yogyakarta. We visited...1 July 2024Blog: 'The hope of a world of hospitality'If something has struck me these past few days, it is the hospitality and friendliness of the people we meet here in...29 June 2024Blog: Imagining War and PeaceThe opening of the second day of IRTI was less impressive than the first day. But, while there were no dancers in...28 June 2024Blog: ‘Bravely choosing to keep dancing’Upon arrival on the first day of the 15th IRTI biennial conference, soothing classical music sounds in the...
International Reformed Theological Institute
On this website you will find relevant information about our core activities: biennial academic conferences, webinars, summer schools, and academic publications in the field of Reformed theology. As a world-wide network of scholars, IRTI also aims to inform about related academic activities in the field.